Steve’s Story | KOHLER Home Generator Testimonial
The morning of Christmas Eve 1998, we had a major, major ice storm in central Virginia.
The power went out.
The generator that had been installed hours before ran for two weeks straight.
We wouldn't have been able to leave our house because of trees across the driveway and large amounts of snow, which resulted in us thankfully having the use of a KOHKER generator to keep power on.
I'm Steve Furman.
I moved to Virginia in 1976.
Charles City was a little bit isolated and so we decided that we'll invest in a generator.
Since we've had a KOHLER generator installed, we've had three major storms that have caused the commercial power to go out and the generator to come on and provide us with a modest lifestyle.
Having a generator means that we didn't lose any food, we had water, we maintained our lifestyle.
Not having to quickly pick up and leave it makes for a much more pleasant life.
Over the years we've probably talked to maybe 10 different technicians.
The answer from every single technician uniformly was Kohler is far and away the most reliable generator.
My priorities are that the equipment will do what it's supposed to do, that it's reliable, that it's cost effective.
Certainly, the generator has always started and always produced power when we needed it.