A Track Record for Reliability | Randy’s Kohler Home Generator Testimonial
Living in the bayou of Louisiana, Randy is no stranger to dangerous weather conditions, sheltering in place through the biggest storms in history. Fortunately, he has been protecting his family and friends with back-up power from Kohler for over 26 years. Back when Randy asked a knowledgeable friend what kind of generator he needed, the response was “by far, it has to be Kohler.”
My name is Randy Adams and we live 65 miles southwest of New Orleans, LA.
I've always stayed within 10 miles of this area.
Here people are friendly, food is great, the fishing's great.
Since childhood, it was a place I was never going to leave.
I've lived through Hurricane Ida, Hurricane Betsy, hurricane Hilda, Hurricane Andrew, Gustav.
We've been through a lot of weather.
Our generator plays a big part in our family because this is basically a gathering place for storms and bad weather.
My mother-in-law, she calls when she looks at the news and weather's getting bad.
She said I'm coming over, I'm spending the night.
And I had a friend of mine, he had past experience in every different type of generators.
I asked him point blank.
I said what kind of generator do I need to get?
And he said by far it has to be colder.
He said very simple, easy to operate, and it has a track record for reliability.
I've been having that generator 26 years.
I changed three parts in 26 years.
That was probably the best advice he ever gave me.
To prepare the house for storms, we built it from the ground up, three safe rooms in the house, totally reinforced.
The generator was part of making the fortress for the house.
We never evacuate for storm.
I've never evacuated my life for a Storm.
Katrina, We stayed 30 days without power.
I've survived the worst storm in history in this house here.
The generator was a big part of it.
It kept us power through the whole thing.
We had communications, we had lights, we had everything.
The weather over here is really bad sometimes and we have a lot of outages.
But you know, it's just like no other place in the world.
I've traveled a lot all over, but I always want to come home.
Today is a nice calm, sunny day, but there's going to be a day that we're going to have over 150 mile an hour winds.
That's the days we have to be prepared for.
Having a KOHLER generator gives me a sense of security.
It has never let me down and I know it's there when I need it.