Protecting Your Home | Anthony Carrino’s Kohler Home Generator Testimonial
My name is Anthony Carino and we're sitting up here in my house in the Catskill Mountains.
I'm a interior designer, real estate developer, contractor, I've been in the business for 20 plus years now.
The Catskill Mountains, you know, very different from city living.
You got some mountain views, you got a lot of open sky, you got the trees.
It's kind of that perfect idyllic setting.
So, the challenges up here are that the weather's pretty extreme.
We get super hot summers, we get really cold winters, and the cold winters is the key there.
Perfect example, we had an ice storm last winter, lasted 4 days.
It was so cold.
I was like, I wonder if this equipment can start in a temperature like this.
The house was warm, the generators cranking, and everything was fine.
It gives you just an immense amount of confidence in the protection of your asset.
Water expands as it freezes.
So, if your water freezes in there, it is bursting that pipe.
And when everything thaws out, water's going to be running like crazy.
And it's really destructive.
So that generator represents a lot of freedom, being that this is a vacation home for myself and my family, It's even that much more important because we're not here all the time.
So having an automatic transfer switch on there where if I lose power from the utility within 5 seconds, that generator kicks on, puts power back down the line into this home.
I'm never without heat for more than a minute.
My wife and I got married on this property.
Everybody's staying here.
Pull down the driveway.
Sure enough, generator's running and I'm just like, thank God I installed this thing.
Just knowing that we had power while we were hosting the most important event we could host, just my shoulders dropped.
You know, it was, it was pretty awesome.
The number one criteria that went into my decision for a generator was reliability.
Being somebody who's been in the construction design development industry for 20 plus years now, I would recommend KOHLER generators all day long.